Ladies Lounge Spa Launching Give Back Initiative: Free Facials for Bereaved Mothers

Local boutique spa Ladies Lounge offers premium facials, as well as lash and brow services in Orlando. The business idea was sparked while founder Jessica Cordero was healing after the loss of her infant son. Now this female entrepreneur wants to give back to other Mothers who have also experienced the loss of a child. In honor of her angel’s birthday month, the business is launching a new give back initiative: Angels of Love. Each month the spa will select a deserving recipient to receive a complimentary “Healing Touch Facial” as a part of their healing journey. Jessica said “Whether it is due to pregnancy and infant loss or later on in life – we provide this sacred service and also help educate them on how to properly nourish and nurture their skin as a way of self love.” Ladies Lounge is also partnering with local charity The Finley Project to help get in touch with bereaved mothers.

Founder Jessica’s Story

It was my first pregnancy and I was 42 weeks gestation. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I was rushed to the hospital for an emergency c section. I was given general anesthesia by the staff and when I finally awoke, I was informed that my precious baby did not survive. This news was earth shattering, yet due to the anesthesia I couldn’t fully process what was being told to me. I held him in my arms until it was apparent that death was manifesting on his delicate skin and I begrudgingly had to say my final goodbye to my son. 

About 3 years after the death of Mickaël, I slowly started to feel a shift and was beginning to feel a little bit of hope for the future. I was about to turn 30 and I desperately wanted to love myself again. I started by incorporating a simple skincare routine and for whatever reason, that mundane, menial task provided me with just enough excitement to actually get out of bed, put myself together and do something for myself…to show myself a little bit of love and remind myself that I was worthy of being taken care of. 

Eventually, I was inspired enough to go back to school for the third time and obtain my license as an esthetician. During my time there, I became fascinated with the healing benefits of touch and how therapeutic and sacred the ritual of performing a facial was presenting itself to be. 

My hope is to continue my efforts in keeping Mickaël’s legacy alive and giving back to the bereaved community that so graciously kept me afloat for many years and was a big support system for me during my grieving process.

About the Finley Project

The Finley Project® is committed to providing care for mothers who have experienced the unimaginable - the loss of an infant. Our devoted team provides a lifeline for mothers in the minutes, hours and days after infant loss through a 7-Part Holistic Program that supports each mother physically, emotionally and spiritually at no financial cost to them.

How to Nominate a Mother

If you are going through this trying time, or know a mother in need of healing please visit the Ladies Lounge website to submit a nomination. Each month a recipient will be selected to then schedule their free service. Ladies Lounge is looking forward to helping women on their path to healing.


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